Head Office: 17 Hanover Square, London, W1S 1BN

Birkenhead Office: The Foundry, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, CH41 1EU

South Atlantic Margin Basin EP Map A quarterly A0 size map for the E&P professional, with drilling, deals and GIS analysis. Buy the lat.. Product #: 013 Regular price: $850.00 $850.00

South Atlantic Margin Basin EP Map

Price: £850.00

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Each quarter the NVentures EPM will update you on;

  • Exploration drilling
  • E&P deals and deal flow
  • Summary E&P trends via detailed montages
  • Bid Rounds
  • GIS based analysis of exploration performance and trends (heat maps illustrating performance over blocks and basins)


  • Full colour, high-quality map each quarter
  • PDF version map each quarter via email

The EPMs are delivered as a company-wide subscription.